35 35 35

Well let me start of with my birthday is coming… you guessed it i’ll be turning 35! So with that special number it has me looking around at my surroundings and seeing all my friends and where they are at now., plus where i am at. Some married with no kids some married with kids, some happily single and some battling the dating game. Cuz yes dating is a battle and a for some people a game. Sucks to say but I am sure we have all heard or known someone that will go on dates to get a free meal, some sex or just wants that ego boost. Which for the rest of us actually looking for love, we have to basically battle to be seen.

I will say at the moment, I am personally pretty happy with where my life is. I am on this new adventure about blogging, hopefully will open the doors to something bigger and better or just gives me that opportunity to vent and talk about my experiences. But most importantly hopefully help someone with their issues or at least address some things. With this section of relationships, sex, love, & parenting you’ll get my opinions but also I will introduce and probably talk about my friends and their points of view as well and of course their juicy experiences.


Unleashing the Power Within: The Enduring Allure of Wonder Woman


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